Posts Tagged ‘happy’
The Ongoing Adventures of GrayBall-The-Brain ~ This episode: “The Worried Psychic.”
Monday, November 4th, 2019“I no longer question whether or not the future can be changed. Instead, I question whether or not the future exists as future. I think not.” (jc)
I’ve never met anyone who didn’t want happiness and peace of mind. All living creatures want to be okay.
I think it’s built into the Big-Bang Blueprint.
Even people obsessed with acquiring objects are trying to get something they believe is vital to their well-being. They just go about it poorly thinking that owning things is the secret to having peace.
It isn’t.
GrayBall-The-Brain, the principal in our story, (henceforth known as GrayBall for short, or Brain for shorter) has some peculiar behaviors. I want to discuss its tendency to compare, looking for negative, scary things. It’s a survival mechanism. Had it been unable to distinguish between what’s helpful or harmful, none of us would be here.
But when basic survival skills for GrayBall become obsessions of the mind, unhappiness becomes a lifestyle; a way of being.
That’s what happens when Brain compares what it desires to what it actually has. Thinking that it needs the object of its desire to be happy, GrayBall feels unhappy NOW, begins to worry, and becomes anxious about its future. It might never get what it wants.
You know anyone like that?
I do. I have a friend who says she worries about everything.
“Everything is a lot to be worried about,” I said.
I asked her to make a list.
She did. It really was everything.
The last item was ‘worried about being worried.’ Kind of a tough spot she’s in, wouldn’t you say?
Strictly speaking, no one can be worried about everything because no one knows what everything is. So, we got to work and narrowed it down to specifics.
If you’re worried about future events that may or may not happen,
you’re worried about something that isn’t real.
All the items on her revised list were of possible-scary-future events. And fear and worry are future dependent.
Nobody worries about what might happen in their past, because the past is over.
No one worries about an event that occurred in their past, either–unless they’re thinking about how it might effect their future. See?
My friend was focusing on the scary things that might or could, happen.
But what might happen, also might not happen. Almost anything could happen, but it also could not happen. And most things that could’ve happened–never did happen. (Think about that one.)
Anyway, I’m very worried about her. (Ahem)
My young friend was anticipating disaster instead of planning for the best and watching for the unexpected,. That’s what scared her.
But nothing on her list was real as a concrete fact. GrayBall-the-Brain was playing the worried psychic.
I said, “If you can predict the future, why not become a professional psychic. You’d get rich, and your money worries will disappear.”
She asked me what she should do.
“About what? None of your problems are real.”
Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not helping, Jim!”
“There’s no answer to your question, because it’s not a real problem. You’re making it up,” I said.
She shot back. “I’m not making it up! You’re not making any sense!”
“Then show me the facts as you know them for certain. Show me the evidence. Can you take a picture of your scary future and hold it in your hands? If not, it isn’t real. It’s in your mind.”
“I’m going on the evidence of my past. A bad past means I’m going to have a bad future. That’s how I know.” (Read that bit again and see if you can spot the error in her thinking.)
The future doesn’t exist as a fact. It’s all imagined.
“But the past is gone.” I said. “It’s only a memory. And an unreliable memory, at best. Show me concrete evidence of how your past means your future. You can’t because the meaning isn’t there! What you’re worried about isn’t real. Your brain is making up scary stories, and you believe them. Brain thinks that imagining a scary future will protect you by keeping you hyper-vigilant. That’s your real problem.”
“So what do I do?”
“Make up a better story with a happier future.” I said. “Imagine a possible future you can be in love with. Create a plan and work toward that.”
“How do I do that?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you how in Part II. In the meanwhile, I want you to consider something.”
“What, more PICTURES-OF-EVIDENCE?” She had taken a tone.
I went all zen-ish on her. “Anything that hasn’t happened yet can change,” I said. “But nothing can be changed before it has happened.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? It’s like I’m talking to Yoda!”
“Yeah, well, think about it. It’ll mess with your mind. That could be a good thing.”
“Thanks, dweeb!”
Stay tuned for “The Practical Approach to a Worry-Free Brain” coming next installment.
Hi. Welcome to my Universe.
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